See his "12 prescriptions brain healthy amen" (do a search).
Food for the Brain Protein shakes at West Hollywood Private School |
We suggest the book Sugar, Salt, Fat by Michael Moss. Learn about the "bliss point" and how to wean yourself from sugar, fat and salt. The rule is "eat for your body and brain, not for your tongue." Children have four times more taste buds in their tongues than adults (no wonder kids demand drinks that are often four times sweeter -- imagine a drink with four spoonsful of sugar compared with one spoonful).
The evidence is in... Mother was right. We need our sleep. Creativity doesn't happen if we don't have enough shut-eye.
Arianna Huffington "sleep your way to success"
Automatic Negative Thoughts
Dr. Daniel Amen suggests techniques for removing "ANTs" with "ANTeaters." His methods work well for elementary school students... Try to get a teenager to imagine an ANTeater... hooboy...
"Whenever you feel sad, mad, nervous or out of control, write down what you are thinking..." "Most schools don't teach students how to manage their thoughts."
1. write down the thoughts
2. identify the automatic negative thoughts
3. Ask, "Are any of these thoughts true?"
4. Then you talk back to those thoughts.
5. Then you can discard that thought. This is how we create ANTeaters for each thought.
YOUTUBE for more videos by Dr. Amen.
There is a one-page summary from
Positive mindsets and attitudes are part of "being creative."
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